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Hammana’s Water springs and Al Chaghour waterfall


Hammana is famous for the abundance of its waters and springs. The elders reckon more than twenty different springs, such as Ayn al-Hassa, Ayn al-Maytri, Ayn al-Keddani and Ayn Sultan among others, besides the legendary Chaghour waterfall. During springtime, you can admire the waterfall streaming down from the cliff to create a “flowy and shimmering tide” whose water “gushes in foamy fashion through the crevices between the rocks` resembling long `threads of crystal swaying across the bare rocks” at a height of 120 meters to culminate into a single torrent rushing down the valley. During the first half of the 20th century, watermills were built alongside the Chaghour, in which waterpower was used to spin the grindstone and grind the seeds. They amounted to the symbolic number of 7 too! In the fifties, the Chaghour became a staple tourist attraction and the inevitable spot for great Arab poets, the likes of Ahmad Chawki who dedicated to the valley of Hammana and to the Chaghour a poem praising their beauty, and Arab singers, the likes of Asmahan, Faridal-Atrache, Muhammad Abd El-Wahab, and many others.