تجاوز إلى المحتوى الرئيسي

Erased, Ascent of the Invisible


Maui helicopter tours are a great way to see the island from a different perspective and have a fun adventure. If you have never been on a helicopter before, this is a great place to do it. You will see all the beauty that Maui has to offer and can have a great time for the entire family. Tours are not too expensive and last from forty five minutes to over an hour. You can see places that are typically inaccessible with Maui helicopter tours. Places that are not available by foot or vehicle can be seen by air. Breathtaking sights await those who are up for some fun Maui helicopter tours. If you will be staying on the island for a considerable amount of time, you may want to think about doing multiple Maui helicopter tours. There are multiple destinations and you can see all the island has to offer.